The need to ‘rest’, ‘restore’, ‘relax’ is so incredibly important but it can often feel like we’re fighting against expectations to be productive and available to everybody, all the damn time. There are so many distractions in this digital world and whilst we might feel like we’ve mastered the art of multi-tasking, we’ve not. We’re only really able to complete one thing at a time and rest actually improves productivity. It is a fundamental part of success, health and happiness. So, unplugging and making rest a priority on your to do list, even for short periods, is vital to your long term health. Why so? Well, lots of reasons which include the capacity to heal the physical body, reduce stress, boost creativity, improve productivity, enhance decision making…the list goes on!
The intention of these workshops is to offer you a range of movement: active (yang), passive (yin) and supported restorative postures to build a tool kit that can be applied in daily life. Think of it as a medley, we’ll start with gentle but active movement, tap into our breathe and begin to build a sense of body awareness. From there, we’ll move into longer held, yin postures (roughly 3/5minutes), targeting the deepest tissues of the body. You’ll experience the shift in sensations that can arise when we move from more active movement, to passive, stillness, whilst still experiencing your edge. Finally, we’ll move to restorative postures with a focus on prolonged rest, supported by lots of props and releasing the body and mind of tension as we breathe.
Herbal teas, the offer of gentle assists, some lovely essential oils will be available. Prana Studio has your equipment needs covered so bring yourself, perhaps some socks and a jumper, your favourite blanket and give yourself the gift of rest. You deserve it.